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Review Meetings on 7 - 8 August, 2012

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Review Meetings on 7 - 8 August, 2012


iihr    iihr


A review and planning meeting of Core Institutes was organized, at IIHR on 7th and 8th August, 2012 which was chaired by Dr. B. Venkateswarlu, Director, CRIDA and National Coordinator, NICRA project.  The Director IIHR, along with all the scientists working under different themes at IIHR  participated in the meeting along with other scientists working in NICRA project in different cor-Instituts. The National coordinator and the members of the team from CRIDA visited the  experimental fields  and also saw the development work of different major facilities like Phenomics, CTGC and FATE going on at IIHR.