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Field Day on Off-Season Litchi Cultivation organized at CHES, Chettalli, ICAR-IIHR on 7th December, 2023

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The event was aimed to exhibit Off-Season Litchi Fruits and address the associated challenges. Dr. Rajendiran S., Senior Scientist and Head (I/c), extended a warm welcome and provided insights into the significance of the programme. The Guest of Honour, Shri Bose Mandanna, Former Vice Chairman, Coffee Board of India and a Planter from Suntikoppa, highlighted the difficulties faced by litchi growers. He urged the Director to enhance the station's manpower. Dr. Prakash Patil, Project Coordinator of ICAR-AICRP on Fruits, ICAR-IIHR, Bengaluru, elucidated the benefits of AICRP on fruits and the advantages of girdling in litchi for successful off-season production. Dr. Bikas Das, the Chief Guest and Director of ICAR-NRC for Litchi, Muzaffarpur, inaugurated the exhibition. He shared strategies for the successful cultivation of Off-Season Litchi production with the farmers. Prof. Sanjay Kumar Singh, Director, ICAR-IIHR, Bengaluru presided over the programme and expressed that there is huge potential to increase area under litchi in southern states to harness more income from the off-season litchi marketing. The exhibition was also arranged and showcased litchi genotypes (both from the station and farmers), physiological disorders, pests and diseases.

In the technical session, Dr. Muralidhara B.M., Scientist (Fruit Science), presented the cultivation challenges of Off-Season Litchi. Mr. Madhu G.S., Scientist (Plant Pathology), Dr. Rani A.T., Scientist (Agri. Entomology), and Dr. Rajendiran S. Sr. Scientist (Soil Science), raised awareness about diseases, pests and nutrient management in Litchi, respectively. Field visits were organized to demonstrate the results of girdling in Litchi for successful fruit production.During the field visit, Dr. Nayan Deepak G., Scientist (Fruit Science), explained the girdling technique and air layering in litchi to the farmers. Over 150 farmers from Karnataka and Kerala actively participated in the program, gaining valuable insights into Off-Season Litchi cultivation techniques and management practices.