Apart from the transfer of technologies of the institute, it is the endeavour of the scientist and staff to render the farmers with multifarious services through visits by scientists to investigate problems, analysis of plant, soil and water samples and examination of disease and pest infected samples in order to lead to more scientific faming as well as for a more efficiently managed farm, with high quality seeds and planting material. The institute offers various services which are now under the umberala of the Agriculture Technology Information Center.
Agriculture Technology Information Center

The ATIC at the IIHR has been fully functional since April. Keeping in view the rising demand for information on new horticultural technologies from farmers, entrepreneurs, corporate bodies, non-government organizations and input agencies directly/indirectly connected with promoting horticultural production the following activities are carried out under ATIC.
Farmers’ Advisory services
Farmers’ advisory service is a continuous activity taken up at the institute. The farmers visiting the institute are given advice on the problems faced by them in respect of Horticulture and steps are taken to overcome the problem related to management of pest, diseases and nutrient deficiency. The farmers also bring samples and the same are sent to the respective division scientist for quick identification of the problems, analysis and suitable corrective measure.
Diagnosis of maladies of various horticultural crops and suggestions for their control and management is an important service provided by the institute. In order to have an accurate recommendation it is essential to identify the problems related to the soil health (pest/diseases present, micro flora etc.). Analysis of the soil, water and as well as leaf is taken up by the Leaf Analysis Laboratory, under the Division of Soil Science for recommending appropriate nutrient management for different horticultural crops.
Supply of Video Films
The institute is involved in the supply of video compact discs (VCD) on various aspects in Horticulture to individuals and organizations for updating their knowledge. The Agriculture Technology Information Center of the institute has at present 42 VCD on various aspects and is constantly involved in making new video’s on the latest technologies.
Supply of Publications
Realising the importance of communicating information on new technology through extension literature and bulletins which has a wider reach, the Institute has published 113 attractively printed and illustrated extension folder and bulletins which are sold as priced publications on various horticultural topics. These are updated from time to time and the latest information added to them. Apart from this, additional bulletins/folders are published every year on the topics of importance in order to help the farming community. It is the endeavour of the institute to make available the publication in at English, Hindi, Kannada, Tamil, Malayalam and Telgu in order to overcome the vernacular problems.
Supply of Computer floppies and print outs
Keeping pace with the computerization the Institute has prepared computerized database on cultivation practices for horticultural crops for southern region, mushroom cultivation, IPM in vegetables, grapes etc., These are made available to the users on payment basis. Print out of package of practices of individual crops is also made available on payment.
Supply of seeds
Sample packets of vegetable seeds are supplied on payment to farmers and groups visiting the Institute.