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Sample Heading


Title of the Technology
Pruning the trees at 5 m height followed by application of 800 g N + 300 g P2O5 + 1000 g K2O + 50 kg FYM + 4 g paclobutrazol / tree recommended as rejuvenation package for old and unproductive Alphonso mango trees.
Nucellar seedlings of ‘Vellaikulumban’ and ‘Olour’ varieties are identified as potential rootstocks for intensive cultivation of ‘Alphonso’ mango.
Major nutrient requirements for rainfed Totapuri mango worked out.
Integrated water and nutrient management technology for banana, grapes, mango, acid lime and sapota, based on the growth stages of the crop as well as its nutrient needs finalized.
Tatura trellis recommended for maximizing fruit yield in Kavery passion fruit.
Pre-pruning spray of 3% thiourea, a day before pruning half of shoots of the tree to six secondaries and the rest to previous season’s growth is recommended for ber.
A pre-harvest spray of 1.25 ml lit-1 Combine + 25 ppm GA sprayed at 30 days after last hand emergence increased the finger size, yield and quality of Ney Poovan fruits.
Annual application of paclobutrazol (0.25 g a.i / tree / year of age) as soil drench during September-October found suitable.
Major nutrient requirements of Alphonso mango under rainfed conditions worked out.
Halting of canes to 4th and 5th node and developing single sub-cane per cane recommended for obtaining good quality bunch and fruit attributes in Flame Seedless and Sharad Seedless respectively.
Fertigation schedules to increase the fertilizer use efficiency by 20-25% in banana, grapes, pomegranate and mango were developed.
Fertilizer dose of 900g N + 600g P2O5 + 600 g K2O / tree / year recommended for Sardar guava.
Cultivation Technology of Milky Mushroom
Fertilizer doses for Thompson Seedless and Anab-e-Shahi grapes (300:300:800 and 500:219:830 kg/ha/year), their split application and their appropriate placement were recommended.
Application of 25 ppm GA and 10 ppm 6 BA as post bloom dipping at 4mm berry stage and GA 25 ppm alone at 8 mm berry stage for attaining desired berry size and quality in seedless grape varieties evolved.
For Robusta banana, N and K2O at 200 g each/plant were found best for the main crop. For the first ratoon crop, N at 100 g and K2O at 200 g/plant and for the second ratoon crop both these nutrients at 50 g each/plant are advocated.
High Plant density of 4400 plants (1.5 x 1.5 m spacing) giving fruit yields of 120 and 100 t / ha respectively was advocated for cvs. Robusta and Dwarf Cavendish. For cv. Ney poovan, a plant population of 5120 plants / ha (1.5 x 1.5 m triangle planting)
Petiole of 6th leaf from top was found most ideal for nutritional diagnosis in papaya.
A fertilizer dose of 250 g N, 250 g P2O5 and 500 g K2O / plant / year recommended to be applied in six equal splits at bi-monthly intervals for cv. Coorg Honey Dew papaya.
Spacing of 1.2 m x 1.8 m (4629 plants/ha) is best for maximizing fruit yield (146 t/ha over three year period) for cv. Coorg Honey Dew papaya.