Latitude : 13o 7’ N Longitude: 77o29’ E Altitude: 890 M
Date |
Temperature |
Relative Humidity |
Evaporation |
Wind speed |
Rainfall |
- |
oC |
% |
mm |
km/h |
mm |
Mean Max. |
Mean Min. |
Mean At 8.30 am |
Mean At 1.30 pm |
05.12.2024 |
28.0 |
21.2 |
91 |
73 |
3.1 |
2.45 |
0.0 |
Period: 16th to 30th November, 2024
Latitude : 13071 N Longitude : 720291E Altitude : 890 M
Fortnight |
Temperature (0C) |
Relative Humidity (%) |
Evaporation (mm) |
Wind speed (km/h) |
Total Rainfall (mm) Mean Max. |
Mean Max. |
Mean Min. |
Mean At 7.30AM |
Mean at 1.30 PM |
November (16-30) 2024 |
26.77 |
17.56 |
90.60 |
66.67 |
3.58 |
3.10 |
16.50 |
(27.4) |
(17.7) |
(85.5) |
(61.4) |
(3.2) |
(3.6) |
(48.5) |
* Figures in the parentheses indicate the mean values during the corresponding period for the previous 5 years
- Fortnight from 16th to 30th November, 2024
During the second fortnight of the month i.e., 16th to 30th November, 2024, the mean maximum and minimum temperature decreased by 1.16ºC and 1.66 ºC respectively as compared to the previous fortnight. The mean maximum and minimum temperature decreased by 0.4ºC and 0.5 ºC respectively as compared to the mean values of the corresponding period for the previous five years. The percent relative humidity in the morning increased by 0.20% and in the afternoon decreased by 0.26% as compared to the previous fortnight. There was 16.50 mm rainfall recorded during this fortnight.
- Crop weather situation
First foliar spray of Arka Mango special is advised to be given during this fortnight for mango orchards. Routine agronomic practices both in vegetables and fruit crops should be continued. Wherever green manure crops are grown or residue is available, these may be incorporated in to the soil for proper decomposition.
- Incidence of insect pests
Under the prevailing weather situation, following pests are expected under Bengaluru conditions on different horticultural crops. Various management options for their management are mentioned below.
Hoppers on mango
- Wherever flowering has started, incidence of hoppers is expected to occur on mango. Spray Azadirachtin 3000 ppm @ 2 ml/l, if the hopper population is low to moderate. If the number exceeds 4 per panicle spray with imidacloprid 200 SL @ 0.25 ml/l. If blossom webber is noticed, spray lambda cyhalothrin* 5 EC @ 0.5 ml/l at early panicle emergence. Add stickers for enhancing the efficacy. Also direct the sprays to the trunks to check hibernating adults of stone weevils and hoppers.
Cabbage Diamond back moth
- Occurring in severe form. Spraying of neem soap (10g/L), neem seed powder extract @ 40g/litre or Arka Neem pellets @ 30G /litre at 10 days intervals will be effective starting from 20 days after planting till 60-70DAT.
Tomato fruit borer
- With the prevailing weather, incidence of tomato fruit borer may increase on tomato. For its management, spray HaNPV @ 250 LE/ha during evening hours or spray indoxacarb 14.5 SC @ 0.75ml/l, if the incidence is very high. Proper waiting periods are to be followed before harvest of tomatoes
Midge on chillies
- Severe incidence of midges is observed on chilli which causes maximum damage at flowering stage. Spray thiamethoxam 70WG@ 0.3 g/l for their management
Note: none of these chemicals are approved by CIBRC except isocyloseram
Aphids on cucurbits
- Aphid infestation may increase on different cucurbits. Spray imidacloprid 17.8 SL @ 0.5 ml/l for their management.
*CIBRC approved, others not in the CIBRC list are based on reports
Disclaimer: Wherever label claim not available, recommendations are made based on experimental results
- Disease scenario
Disease scenario in relation to the weather data during second fortnight of November, 2024.
Vegetable crops:
- Under prevailing weather conditions, Phytophthora blight appears on capsicum. To manage this disease, provide better soil drainage to remove excess moisture. Give foliar spray application of chlorothalonil (2g/L) followed by dimethomorph (1g/L).
- Phytophthora blight (Phytophthora infestans) is expected to aggravate in tomato. To manage this disease, remove low lying infected leaves and spray mancozeb75%WP or zineb75%WP(2g/l)/ as protective sprays followed by famoxadone16.6%+ cymoxanil 22.1%SC (1g/l) or metiram 55% + pyraclostrobin 5% WG (3g/l) as curative spray
- Prevailing humid cool conditions and frequent rains favours downy mildew development in cucurbits. To manage this disease give foliar spray of zineb75%WP @2g/L followed by ametoctradin + dimethomorph 20.27% w/w SC @2g/L at 10 day’s interva
Fruit Crops
- Powdery mildew severity is expected to increase. To manage this disease spray hexaconazole 5% EC @ 1ml/litre