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Genetic Improvement of Fruit Crops

Primary tabs


  • Conserving the germplasm of mango, guava, papaya, pomegranate, sapota, custard apple, strawberry and passion fruit.
  • Production of mango hybrids which are dwarf, precocious with good yield and quality.
  • Production of guava hybrids suitable for both processing and fresh fruit market.
  • Production of sapota hybrids which are dwarf in nature with good yield and quality fruits.
  • Commercialization of well adopted under-utilized fruits
  • Production of jackfruit and pummelo varieties besides conservation and utilization in crop improvement programmes.
  • Production of papaya hybrids which are gynodioecious with good yield, quality, good shelf life and tolerant to ‘PRSV’ and drought.
  • To develop a bacterial blight resistant pomegranate variety in pomegranate and to develop a genotype of custard apple with self-fruitfulness.
  • To develop superior strawberry cultivars resistant to fungal diseases and well adapted to growing conditions of mild-tropical climate and to develop excellent strawberry cultivars that are extra-early, early, mid -season, and late -season (have an appropriate harvest calendar) large -sized, wedge-shaped fruits, with extended shelf life and a low percentage of second quality fruits.
  • To evaluate and screen Passiflora species (and accessions) for root /collar rot resistance and other diseases and to produce superior Passiflora through cross-breeding either as a popular commercial cultivar or root stock to existing commercial cultivars.
  • To develop grape rootstocks having the vigour and the graft intake of Dogridge characteristics with increased salinity tolerance, drought, flood resistance and induction of vigour to scions.

Dr M.R. Dinesh

Principal Scientist, Division of Fruit Crops, IIHR


Dr B.N.S. Murthy, Principal Scientist, Division of Fruit Crops

Dr.A.Rekha, Principal Scientist, Division of Fruit Crops

Dr C.Vasugi, Scientist SG, Division of Fruit Crops

Dr.PrakashPatil, Principal Scientist

Dr.T.Sakthivel, Sr. Scientist, Division of Fruit Crops