Sample Heading

Sample Heading

बीज की बेहतर गुणवत्ता के लिए टमाटर, बैंगन और शिमला मिर्च में फल की तुड़ाई की अवस्था

Primary tabs

  • For better seed quality, tomato fruits should be harvested at red ripe stage onwards and brinjal fruits should be harvested 4-5 days after fruits turn fully yellow or brown depending on the variety. After the harvest fruits should be kept for 2-3 days. Such seeds maintain viability for long period in storage.
  • High quality seeds could be obtained from capsicum fruits harvested at fully ripe stage and kept for after ripening for 5 days or till fruits attained softness.


Technologies                 Technologies

Tomato fruits at red ripe stage               Capsicum fruits at 5 days after ripening