Papaya ring spot virus in nature is spread by aphids such asAphis gossypii, A. Cracccivora and Myzus persicae. This virus spreads via aphids within one hour. This virus is not transmitted through seed but seed quality will be affected due to this virus.
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Sample Heading
Whitefly, Bemisia tabaci is one of the pests, which develops resistance to pesticides very fast, when same insecticides are sprayed repeatedly. Hence, a management package of spraying dichlorvos 76 EC 1ml/l or deltamethrin 2.8 EC 1m/l against adults, triazophos 40 EC 1.5 ml/l or methomyl 40 SP 1.5 g/l or acephate 75 SP 1 g/l followed by pongamia or neem oil 10ml/l effectively controls this pest. Installation of yellow sticky traps also helps to monitor and to bring down the adult populations.
Okra yellow vein mosaic virus in nature is spread by whitefly insect vector Bemisia tabaci and this virus is not transmitted through the seed.
Treat the tomato seeds with Pseudomonas fluorescence before sowing. Spray the crop with Streptocycline (0.3g/l) 2-3 times at 10 days interval Bacterial wilt resistant tomato varieties can ber grown Crop rotation with maize-sorghum-ragi or maize-onion or garlic-paddy for at least for three years.
Total genetic diversity in a crop gene pool is the result of natural processes unaided by human selection, crop evolution, selection and adaptation in farming systems and formal breeding leading to new genetic combinations.
Whitefly, Bemisia tabaci is one of the pests, which develops resistance to pesticides very fast, when same insecticides are sprayed repeatedly. Hence, a management package of spraying dichlorvos 76 EC 1ml/l or deltamethrin 2.8 EC 1m/l against adults, triazophos 40 EC 1.5 ml/l or methomyl 40 SP 1.5 g/l or acephate 75 SP 1 g/l followed by pongamia or neem oil 10ml/l effectively controls this pest. Installation of yellow sticky traps also helps to monitor and to bring down the adult populations.
Treat the brinjal seeds with Pseudomonas fluorescence before slowing Spray the crop with Streptocycline (0.3g/l) 2-3 times at 10 days interval Bacterial wilt resistant brinjal varieties can be grown Crop rotation with maize-sorghum-ragi or maize –onion or garlic paddy for the least for three years.
Genetic resources includes land races, obsolete cultivars, modern cultivars, advanced breeding lines and wild and relatives
They contribute to food security, poverty alleviation, environmental protection and in sustainable development of farming.
A group of living organisms with diverse life forms from microorganism to man, categorized at genes, species and ecosystem levels existing at a give place at a given point of time.
Over 15,000 species of flowering plants are native to this region. These include more than 160 domesticated species of economic importance along with over 320 species of their wild relatives. Diversity occurs for crops like mango, citrus, banana, jackfruit, gooseberry, jamun, wood apple, phalsa, bael, chironji, ber, ginger, turmeric, pepper, cinamon, cardamons, sword bean, velvet bean, gourds, orchids, jasmine, okra, egg plant. The richness of plant biodiversity is largely due to ecological diversity superimposed with tribal and ethinic diversification, plant usages and religious rituals.
It contains basic information from where it is collected, such as soil type, nature of vegetation, altitude, latitude, common name, collectors name etc
Clonally propagated crops are predominantly heterozygous in nature and in many cases seeds are short lived due to recalcitrant nature. Such plants are conserved as living collections in field gene bank. Also conserved for a moderately period in ex situ in vivo conditions. The genetic integrity of clonal genotype is changed through spontaneous mutations and through somaclonal variations during in vitro conservation.
The effective germplasm conservation programme is one, which shows genetic stability, easy handling, longer viable, and cost effective.
It is the conservation of ecosystem and natural habitats and the maintenance and recovery of viable population of species in their natural surroundings or as cultivated plants in farmer’s field as part of existing agro-ecosystems.