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Sample Heading

Research Programs

Breeding tomato for resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses and gene pyramiding for ToLCV resistance (Ongoing)
Developing transgenic fruit crops resistant to PRSV in papaya and Tristeza in citrus (Ongoing)
Intercropping systems in young orchards (Annona, mango & sapota) (Ongoing)
Electroporation mediated transgenic development using Xa21 gene (Ongoing)
Organic production of fruit crops (mango and sapota) (Ongoing)
Development of transgenic pomegranate cv. Bhagwa for bacterial wilt resistance ; Agrobacterium and Biolistic mediated transgenic (Ongoing)
Optimizing water productivity and nutrient dynamics through integrated water and nutrient management of fruit crops (mango, grapes and sapota) (Ongoing)
Exploitation of stock-scion interactions for canopy vigor management and sustainable productivity (Mango, guava, annona & jackfruit) (Ongoing)
Development of somatic embryogenesis protocols in pomegranate cvs Bhagwa and Ganesh for application in obtaining non-chimeric transgenics (Ongoing)
Enhancing productivity through integrated nutrition, high density planting and crop regulation (Guava, jamun, papaya, annona, fig, grape & aonla) (Ongoing)
In silico mining of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) for markers in horticultural crops (Ongoing)
Improvement of guava and annona for yield and quality (New)
Breeding purple passion fruit and strawberry for superior traits (Ongoing)
Development of microsatellite markers in Okra (Abelmeschous esculantus L.Moench) (Ongoing)
Incorporation of bacterial blight resistance in pomegranate (Ongoing)
Canopy architecture for higher productivity (mango and grapes) (Ongoing)
Rootstock breeding in grapes (New)
Identification of SSR markers for screening of brinjal breeding lines against bacterial wilt and their integration in MAS (Ongoing)
Improvement of jamun and sapota for dwarf tree stature and higher productivity (Ongoing)
Evaluation of under-utilized fruits for yield, quality and adaptability (Ongoing)