Sample Heading

Sample Heading

Agriculture Operations

Weather and weather based monitoring for Horticultural crops

IMD Regions: Konkan & Goa
Sl.No. Crop/variety Pest / disease scenario Control measures to be followed
41 Brinjal Shoot & fruit borer Apply oiled neem cake with 8-10% oil to ridges @ 250kg/ha at planting and repeat at 30 DAP
42 Gourds: Coccinia Midge Prune affected parts and spray neem seed powder extract 4%
IMD Regions: North Interior Karnataka
Sl.No. Crop/variety Pest / disease scenario Control measures to be followed
43 Hopper Spray neem soap (1%l) or neem seed powder extract 4% at 7-10 days interval.
44 Shoot & fruit borer Apply oiled neem cake with 8-10% oil to ridges @ 250kg/ha at planting and repeat at 30 DAP
45 Brinjal Mylocerus ash weevil Apply oiled neem cake with 8-10% oil to ridges @ 250kg/ha at planting and repeat at 30 DAP
46 Beans Stem fly Spray neem seed powder extract (4%) at 7 and 10 days after sowing
47 Onion Thrips Spray neem seed powder extract (4%) or neem soap (1%) 4-5 times at 10 days interval
48 White mite Spray dicofol ( 2.5 ml/l)
49 Chilli Thrips Spray neem seed powder extract (4%) or neem soap (1%) 4-5 times at 10 days interval
IMD Regions: South Interior Karnataka
Sl.No. Crop/variety Pest / disease scenario Control measures to be followed
50 Leaf miner Remove leaf miner infected leaf parts before planting Collect and destroy infected leaf parts at 7 days after planting and repeat at 7 days interval. Do not spray any synthetic insecticides as it may increase the pest damage. Spray only neem based pesticdes or neem seed powder extract (4%) or neem soap (1%), if required.